G Spot Gallery Presents, Conceptual Art by Susan Plum
Opening Reception Saturday, February 4th, 2023, 6p to 8p.
The Exhibition through February 28th, 2023.

Artist Statement
These paintings came out of my love of cosmology, nature and indigenous creation myths. When I look at the sky, I can’t help but think of Carl Sagan reminding us that we came from the stars and that we will go back to the stars. In my homeland of Mexico, I learned of the ancient sites and how they are aligned to stars and constellations. The term, archeoastronomy, a combination of archaeology and astronomy refers to the study of megalithic sites in alignment with celestial bodies, was introduced in 1968. In my own mythology, stars have begun a new conversation with Earth.
For me, this new conversation between Earth and the Cosmos has opened up an awareness between dimensions, in the same way that ancient megaliths aligned to constellations initiated a conversation. Modern physics informs us that we live in a universe with at least 12 dimensions. With the new James Webb telescope, we are seeing our universe as we have never been able to see it before.
My paintings, Star Charts, combine nature, sacred geometry, star alignments, and physics to illustrate my exploration of this conversation between dimensions. It has been a wonderful landscape to visit!
The digital drawings are part of a series, Arbol de la Vida (Tree of Life), which combines photographs of fireworks and my glass work. The work is concerned with LIGHT—light, as a vehicle for spirit, and light as a vehicle for awareness. The images illustrate different stages of chaos and beauty. Many spiritual traditions speak of the Tree of Life as drawing light from the heavens with its branches, and spreading it throughout the earth through its roots.

Susan Plum Biography
Susan Plum lives and works in Houston. Born in Texas, she grew up in Mexico City, and has spent years navigating both countries, today holding dual citizenship for both the U.S. and Mexico. During her art studies, she embraced Surrealism and Magic Realism.
Her art is deeply informed by nature, its biodiversity, internal structures and order, and a staunch sense of the artist as an activist.
Plum has presented ground-breaking ritual/performance in the U.S. and Mexico related to ecology and violence against women.
Plum is represented in prestigious museum and private collections in the US, Japan, and Mexico.