Artist Reception Saturday, September 3rd, 6P to 8P

G Spot Gallery Presents May Artist, Garland Fielder
Opening Reception Saturday, September 3rd, 2022, 6p to 8p

Artist Profile
Garland Fielder was born in Houston, Texas, in 1971. He earned an MFA from the University of North Texas in 2005 and a MARCH1 in architecture from the University of Texas, Austin in 2015. Fielder has participated in many exhibitions regionally and been included in several editions of New American Painting, among other publications. Currently, the artist lives/works in Houston where he divides his time between various disciplines that include his studio practice, art criticism, residential design and music. The artist is the founding member of the musical project, Phil Spectral.
Performance Music
Phil Spectral, an improvisational quartet, which will be performing at the opening reception.

Artist Statement
Bunkers represent several architectural types simultaneously. On the one hand, they are modernism distilled—form-follows-function quite literally in that the concrete megaliths derive their structural expression solely from functional needs as dictated by the ravages of modern technological warfare. In another sense, the bunkers are a timely typology, even if at first they seem anachronistic. The stable forms, once signifying a terrific solace against immediate annihilation have through time, become upended, so to speak, in their various strategic locations. In situ, they are enigmatic, creating hidden spaces for nefarious acts, yet, they still present a contemporary visitor a sense of stability—a comforting psychological totem in today’s uncertain times. They are modern ruins and ruins speak of endurance. These images and sculptures depict one of mankind’s most striking architectural forms, suggesting an unfortunate relationship between the current zeitgeist and a building strategy necessitated by a total war economy.